Here's a little secret your doctor probably never told you: a simple fish oil could be the key ingredient to a long, happy life. This miracle fat (if I may be so bold as to call it that) might not only prevent heart attacks and help you avoid a stroke - it could also protect you from depression and other brain disorders.
Mountains of evidence clearly show that special fats known as Omega-3 Fatty Acids (or N-3 fats) greatly enhance the health of the brain, as well as virtually every cell in the body. Omega-3 fats are a group of polyunsaturated fats commonly found in plants, fish, algae and flaxseed. These polyunsaturated fats are the "good guys," while trans fatty acids (the partially hydrogenated fats found in vegetable oils) and omega-6 fats are the "bad guys."
Eat more omega-3 and learn more about which fats are good for you!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Beware the Dangers of Vaccinations
Most people have at least heard about the controversy surrounding the possible harmful effects of some vaccines. What is less known is that even greater dangers exist than are being conveyed to the general public. Most scientific observers have attributed the dramatic fall in infectious diseases to the appearance of widespread vaccination, despite recent evidence that some of that credit is unjustified. For example, an abundance of evidence has shown that that improved public health measures and nutrition - not vaccines - have played the major role in the sudden decline in most of the infectious diseases plaguing mankind.
Likewise, there is growing evidence that vaccinations are not providing the protection that they are touted to provide. For example, all cases of polio occurring after the introduction of the polio vaccine have been traced to the vaccine itself. Other vaccines, such as those for diphtheria and pertussus, have been shown to have high failure rates.
Learn more about the dangers of vaccinations before it's too late!
Likewise, there is growing evidence that vaccinations are not providing the protection that they are touted to provide. For example, all cases of polio occurring after the introduction of the polio vaccine have been traced to the vaccine itself. Other vaccines, such as those for diphtheria and pertussus, have been shown to have high failure rates.
Learn more about the dangers of vaccinations before it's too late!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My Favorite Quotes
"Dancing is just a conversation between two to me" ~Hope Floats
"I thought we were invincible. But now I know that the things that people in love do to each other, they remember. And if they stay together, it's not because they forget. It's because they forgive." ~Indecent Proposal
Why do you like them so much?
Because they stand on a wall and say, "Nothing's going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch." ~A Few Good Men
Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to. ~Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men
They didn't agree on much
In fact, they rarely agreed on anything
They fought all the time
And they challenged each other everyday
But in spite their differences
They had one thing in common
They were crazy about each other
~The Notebook
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." ~Andy Dufresne
"All things end badly, or else they wouldn't end." ~Tom Cruise, Cocktail
Flanagan's advice to his unborn child: If Jordan gives birth to a fine Irish son / There will be Cocktails and Dreams for him one day to run / A business that will yield the financial windfall / To be franchised in every suburban shopping mall. / If a daughter arrives to bless our clan / I guess the shit will finally hit the fan / But this I shall promise thee / I'll never let her marry a guy like me. / Still if our child is the naughtiet of girls or the wildest of young men / I swear I'll be the best dad I can / And never ever get spooked again." ~Tom Cruise, Cocktail
"Why is it that the bigger the line, the greater the temptation to cross it?" ~Grey's Anatomy
"I thought we were invincible. But now I know that the things that people in love do to each other, they remember. And if they stay together, it's not because they forget. It's because they forgive." ~Indecent Proposal
Why do you like them so much?
Because they stand on a wall and say, "Nothing's going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch." ~A Few Good Men
Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to. ~Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men
They didn't agree on much
In fact, they rarely agreed on anything
They fought all the time
And they challenged each other everyday
But in spite their differences
They had one thing in common
They were crazy about each other
~The Notebook
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." ~Andy Dufresne
"All things end badly, or else they wouldn't end." ~Tom Cruise, Cocktail
Flanagan's advice to his unborn child: If Jordan gives birth to a fine Irish son / There will be Cocktails and Dreams for him one day to run / A business that will yield the financial windfall / To be franchised in every suburban shopping mall. / If a daughter arrives to bless our clan / I guess the shit will finally hit the fan / But this I shall promise thee / I'll never let her marry a guy like me. / Still if our child is the naughtiet of girls or the wildest of young men / I swear I'll be the best dad I can / And never ever get spooked again." ~Tom Cruise, Cocktail
"Why is it that the bigger the line, the greater the temptation to cross it?" ~Grey's Anatomy
Great Joke
Recently a "Husband Super Store" opened where women could go to choose a husband from among many men. It was laid out over five floors, with the men increasing in positive attributes as you ascended.
The only rule was, once you opened the door to any floor, you HAD to choose a man from that floor; if you went up a floor, you couldn't go back down except to leave the place, never to return.
A couple of girlfriends went to the shopping centre to find some husbands.
First floor
The door had a sign saying, "These men have jobs and love kids."
The women read the sign and said, "Well, that's better than not having a job or not loving kids, but I wonder what's further up?" So up they went.
Second floor
The sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking."
"Hmmm," said the ladies, "But, I wonder what's further up?"
Third floor
This sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, are extremely good looking, love kids and help with the housework."
"Wow," said the women, "Very tempting." But there was another floor, so further up they went."
Fourth floor
This door had a sign saying "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak."
"Oh, mercy me," they cried, "Just think what must be awaiting us further on!"
So up to the fifth floor they went.
Fifth floor
The sign on that door said, "This floor is empty and exists only to prove that women are f**king impossible to please. The exit is to your left, we hope you fall down the stairs."
The only rule was, once you opened the door to any floor, you HAD to choose a man from that floor; if you went up a floor, you couldn't go back down except to leave the place, never to return.
A couple of girlfriends went to the shopping centre to find some husbands.
First floor
The door had a sign saying, "These men have jobs and love kids."
The women read the sign and said, "Well, that's better than not having a job or not loving kids, but I wonder what's further up?" So up they went.
Second floor
The sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking."
"Hmmm," said the ladies, "But, I wonder what's further up?"
Third floor
This sign read, "These men have high paying jobs, are extremely good looking, love kids and help with the housework."
"Wow," said the women, "Very tempting." But there was another floor, so further up they went."
Fourth floor
This door had a sign saying "These men have high paying jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic streak."
"Oh, mercy me," they cried, "Just think what must be awaiting us further on!"
So up to the fifth floor they went.
Fifth floor
The sign on that door said, "This floor is empty and exists only to prove that women are f**king impossible to please. The exit is to your left, we hope you fall down the stairs."
Missing Jessie Davis
Okay so I know I am a crazy fanatic when it comes to health issues, but I decided to give it a break and write about other things going on in the world. I don't know if any of you have been following the Jessie Davis disappearance but today a baby showed up on a school nurse's doorstep, 45 miles away from Davis' home. It is possible that this baby could be Jessie's although officials are not sure if there is a connection. What is this world coming to? How can someone kidnap a pregnant woman?! I just don't understand. I pray that Davis and her baby are alright.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Unnecessary Testing Can Be Fatal

With yearly check-ups — even with follow-up exams — you may not be getting the most accurate tests to root out diseases before they have a chance to sap your energy and your vitality — or even take your life. It’s quite probable that some of the tests you’ve been subjected too are not the very best (or safest) tools to get the job done. Unnecessary tests, such as a cholesterol test, may result in complications or even death. Get informed and learn more about which tests you need and when you need them.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Will You Outlive Your Own Memory?
While Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia continue to strike down victims at an unprecedented pace, you don’t need to surrender to the living hell of outliving your own memory. Especially when so much scientific evidence indicates that one major factor (totally within your control) demonstrates such a close link to your brain function. That factor is your diet. And it’s not just memory. Diet influences your behavior, your ability to concentrate, your IQ, even the potential to commit criminal or anti-social acts. Learn more about memory and diets now.
There is such a thing as the RIGHT KIND of fat
If you want to stay healthy, live longer, and avoid diseases like depression, brain disorders, heart problems, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, even cancer — you have to eat the RIGHT KIND of fat. I’m very sorry, but it isn’t the fat commonly found in doughnuts, french fries and fast food take-out. This so called "right kind of fat" is called omega-3. It helps counteract your risk of stroke and heart disease, slash your risk of cancer, combat behavioral problems and so much more. Read more on omega-3. It could save your life!
Are you too heavy to be healthy?

An astonishing 65.2% of Americans suffer from obesity today. Sure, you may be a far cry from the morbidly obese. But your risks of disease skyrocket as you pack on those extra pounds. Obesity increases your risk of type-2 diabetes by 300% while increasing your risk of heart disease by 200%. There are many other health risks associated with obesity as well. To learn more about diets and ways to stay healthy, read Dr. Blaylock's wellness reports. Your health is never something you should ignore!
Save Your Eyes!

An astonishing 33 million Americans will lose their eyesight this year due to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Eyesight is crucial to the way you make sense of your world. Eighty percent of the information you take in from your surroundings is visual. Can you imgine not being able to see? There are natural remedies that can be done to prevent YOU from losing your eyesight. Learn what you can do now to protect your eyesight.
You Can Prevent Cancer!
Do you know what to look for and what to avoid to best protect yourself against killer cancer? Did you know that studies show chronic inflammation breeds certain cancers? Or that specific fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that can slash your cancer risk? Dr. Blaylock gives you the inside report on cancer prevention. Studies indicate that “eating five servings of fruits and vegetables daily reduced cancer incidence by 50%." Don't become another victim of cancer. Learn what you can do to prevent cancer today.
Did you know heart attacks kill nearly a million Americans a year?!

According to Dr. Russel Blaylock, a respected neurosurgeon and nutritionist, high cholesterol due to poor eating habits and hereditary factors is not the primary cause of heart disease. You can do your best to eat "heart-healthy" foods according to what you've been told and still become a heart attack or stroke statistic. To learn more on preventing heart attacks and about the real cause of heart attacks, check out Dr. Blaylock's wellness reports.
Can we really credit vaccines for the decline of infectious diseases?

The answer is NO. Growing evidence suggests that improved public health measures and nutrition — not vaccines — have led to a decline in infectious disease. In fact, those very vaccines you and your children endure "for your own good" may instead leave you hammered with altered brain development, siezures or loss of brain cell connections. Discover the solution to vaccine dangers now!
Do you have mercury in your mouth?

If you ever had a cavity filled, odds are you are harboring a deadly metal in your mouth - mercury. Mercury is contained in the amalgam of your dental fillings. Once you have these amalgam fillings in your teeth, your body’s level of mercury rises each time you chew food or drink hot liquids (as mercury vapor is released and absorbed by your body). Mercury poisoning is not something to take lightly. Toxic accumulation of mercury alters your brain function and even damages your nervous system and heart. Discover simple and natural measures to save yourself from nature’s deadly poison by learning more about mercury poisoning and dental fillings.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Dr. Russell Blaylock
For all of you health nuts out there, board certified neurosurgeon Dr. Russel Blaylock offers solutions to many health related problems. To name a few, he offers his expert insight into:
mercury poisoning
Dental fillings
cholesterol test
c-reactive protein
breast cancer
Check out his wellness reports and see for yourself. You will love all that he has to offer!
mercury poisoning
Dental fillings
cholesterol test
c-reactive protein
breast cancer
Check out his wellness reports and see for yourself. You will love all that he has to offer!
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